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--> Социальная психология
----> Личность как социально-психологическое явление
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--> Социальная психология
----> Личность как социально-психологическое явление
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- Личность как социально-психологическое явление
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Связанные описания:

van Veelen, R.
Linking self and ingroup: Self-anchoring as distinctive cognitive route to social identification
2011 г.
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van Veelen, R.
Linking self and ingroup: Self-anchoring as distinctive cognitive route to social identification
2011 г.
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Brambilla, M.
Looking for honesty: The primary role of morality (vs. sociability and competence) in information...
2011 г.
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Brambilla, M.
Looking for honesty: The primary role of morality (vs. sociability and competence) in information...
2011 г.
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Caruana, S.
Looking for performance in personality inventories: The primacy of evaluative information over de...
2014 г.
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Caruana, S.
Looking for performance in personality inventories: The primacy of evaluative information over de...
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Zhang, R.
Making sense of positive self-evaluations in China: The role of sociocultural change
2017 г.
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Zhang, R.
Making sense of positive self-evaluations in China: The role of sociocultural change
2017 г.
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Leary, M.R.
Managing social images in naturalistic versus laboratory settings: Implications for understanding...
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Leary, M.R.
Managing social images in naturalistic versus laboratory settings: Implications for understanding...
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Drury, J.
Managing to avert disaster: Explaining collective resilience at an outdoor music event
2015 г.
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Drury, J.
Managing to avert disaster: Explaining collective resilience at an outdoor music event
2015 г.
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Maher, P.J.
Meaning in music: Deviations from expectations in music prompt outgroup derogation
2013 г.
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Maher, P.J.
Meaning in music: Deviations from expectations in music prompt outgroup derogation
2013 г.
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Fritsche, I.
Minimal and maximal goal orientation and reactions to norm violations
2009 г.
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Fritsche, I.
Minimal and maximal goal orientation and reactions to norm violations
2009 г.
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Ramos, M.R.
Minority goals for interaction with the majority: Seeking distance from the majority and the effe...
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Ramos, M.R.
Minority goals for interaction with the majority: Seeking distance from the majority and the effe...
2013 г.
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Sedikides, Constantine
Mnemic neglect: Selective amnesia of one’s faults
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Sedikides, Constantine
Mnemic neglect: Selective amnesia of one’s faults
2016 г.
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Khoo, B.L.Z.
Mortality salience and evaluations of in-group versus out-group critics: The role of criticism le...
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Khoo, B.L.Z.
Mortality salience and evaluations of in-group versus out-group critics: The role of criticism le...
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Ivanov, I.
Mortality salience effects on reckless driving intentions in a motorcyclist sample: The moderatin...
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Ivanov, I.
Mortality salience effects on reckless driving intentions in a motorcyclist sample: The moderatin...
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Berger, A.
Negative attributes are gendered too: Conceptualizing and measuring positive and negative facets ...
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Berger, A.
Negative attributes are gendered too: Conceptualizing and measuring positive and negative facets ...
2013 г.
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Graf, S.
Negative intergroup contact is more influential, but positive intergroup contact is more common: ...
2014 г.
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Graf, S.
Negative intergroup contact is more influential, but positive intergroup contact is more common: ...
2014 г.
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Badea, C.
Negotiating dual identities: The impact of group-based rejection on identification and acculturation
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Badea, C.
Negotiating dual identities: The impact of group-based rejection on identification and acculturation
2011 г.
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Wenzel, M.
No genuine self-forgiveness without accepting responsibility: Value reaffirmation as a key to mai...
2012 г.
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Wenzel, M.
No genuine self-forgiveness without accepting responsibility: Value reaffirmation as a key to mai...
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Loughnan, S.
Objectification leads to depersonalization: The denial of mind and moral concern to objectified o...
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Loughnan, S.
Objectification leads to depersonalization: The denial of mind and moral concern to objectified o...
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Warner, R.H.
Observers' benefit finding for victims: Consequences for perceived moral obligations
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Warner, R.H.
Observers' benefit finding for victims: Consequences for perceived moral obligations
2011 г.
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Descheemaeker, M.
On the generalization of attitude accessibility after repeated attitude expression
2017 г.
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Descheemaeker, M.
On the generalization of attitude accessibility after repeated attitude expression
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Orehek, E.
On the inferential epistemics of trait centrality in impression formation
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Orehek, E.
On the inferential epistemics of trait centrality in impression formation
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Rule, N.O.
On the interactive influence of facial appearance and explicit knowledge in social categorization
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Rule, N.O.
On the interactive influence of facial appearance and explicit knowledge in social categorization
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Hamstra, M.R.W.
On the perceived effectiveness of transformational–transactional leadership: The role of encourag...
2014 г.
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Hamstra, M.R.W.
On the perceived effectiveness of transformational–transactional leadership: The role of encourag...
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Wohl, M.J.A.
One day we might be no more: Collective angst and protective action from potential distinctivenes...
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Wohl, M.J.A.
One day we might be no more: Collective angst and protective action from potential distinctivenes...
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Lakens, D.
Orange as a perceptual representation of the Dutch nation: Effects on perceived national identifi...
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Lakens, D.
Orange as a perceptual representation of the Dutch nation: Effects on perceived national identifi...
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Rabinovich, A.
Paradoxes of praise: Identity-inconsistent praise results in praise-inconsistent responses
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Rabinovich, A.
Paradoxes of praise: Identity-inconsistent praise results in praise-inconsistent responses
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Harre, N.
Personal project commitment in adolescence: The role of relatedness, competence and integrity
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Harre, N.
Personal project commitment in adolescence: The role of relatedness, competence and integrity
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Lonnqvist, J.-E.
Personal values and prosocial behaviour in strategic interactions: Distinguishing value-expressiv...
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Lonnqvist, J.-E.
Personal values and prosocial behaviour in strategic interactions: Distinguishing value-expressiv...
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