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--> Социальная психология
----> Личность как социально-психологическое явление
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--> Социальная психология
----> Личность как социально-психологическое явление
- Название:
- Личность как социально-психологическое явление
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Связанные описания:
Lammers, J.
Power and behavioral approach orientation in existing power relations and the mediating effect of...
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Lammers, J.
Power and behavioral approach orientation in existing power relations and the mediating effect of...
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Schmid, P.C.
Power increases performance in a social evaluation situation as a result of decreased stress resp...
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Schmid, P.C.
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Gatto, J.
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Rothmund, T.
Public concerns about violent video games are moral concerns—How moral threat can make pacifists ...
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Heath, S.C.
Putting identity into the community: Exploring the social dynamics of urban regeneration
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Gregg, A.P.
Quantifying self-motives: Functional links between dispositional desires
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Gregg, A.P.
Quantifying self-motives: Functional links between dispositional desires
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Lammers, J.
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Ullrich, J.
Reconsidering the “relative” in relative ingroup prototypicality
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Ullrich, J.
Reconsidering the “relative” in relative ingroup prototypicality
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Wolf, S.T.
Reducing intergroup conflict through the consideration of future consequences
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Wolf, S.T.
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Refusing to apologize can have psychological benefits (and we issue no mea culpa for this researc...
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Religious identity consolidation and mobilization among turkish dutch muslims
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Verkuyten, M.
Religious identity consolidation and mobilization among turkish dutch muslims
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Responding to historical injustices: Does group membership trump liberal-conservative ideology?
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Banfield, J.C.
Responding to historical injustices: Does group membership trump liberal-conservative ideology?
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Walker, I.
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Walker, I.
Responses to a worsening environment: relative deprivation mediates between place attachments and...
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Muller, P.A.
Shaping cooperation behavior: The role of accessibility experiences and uncertainty
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She just doesn't look like a philosopher…? Affective influences on the halo effect in impression ...
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Forgas, J.P.
She just doesn't look like a philosopher…? Affective influences on the halo effect in impression ...
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Formanowicz, M.
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Bohm, R.
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Social dominance-based threat reactions to immigrants in need of assistance
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Costello, K.
Social dominance-based threat reactions to immigrants in need of assistance
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Greenaway, K.H.
Social identities promote well-being because they satisfy global psychological needs
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Greenaway, K.H.
Social identities promote well-being because they satisfy global psychological needs
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