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Электронный каталог: Inhelder, Barbel - Learning and the Development of Cognition
Inhelder, Barbel - Learning and the Development of Cognition
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Автор: Inhelder, Barbel
Learning and the Development of Cognition
Издательство: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974 г.
ISBN 0 7100 8057-3
Автор: Inhelder, Barbel
Learning and the Development of Cognition
Издательство: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974 г.
ISBN 0 7100 8057-3
88.8 I
Inhelder, Barbel.
Learning and the Development of Cognition / Barbel Inhelder, Hermine Sinclair, Magali Bovet. – London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974. – 308 p. – ISBN 0 7100 8057-3.
How do children learn and how are new modes of thought develop? These question have for years been of paramount interest to psychologists and others concerned with the cognitive development of the child. In this major work, reporting on over ten years` research of the Geneva School, the authors have carried the pioneering investigations of Jean Piaget to a new and remarkable level. As Piaget says in his foreword to the book: "The novelty of the findings, the clarity of the theoretical interpretation, and the sometimes even excessive caution of the conclusions enable the reader to separate clearly the experimental results from the authors` theoretical tenets." The authors` learning experiments with children were designed to examine the processes that lead to the acquisition of certain key concepts, such as conservation of matter and length. Detailed study of the progress of each individual subject revealed a number of reatures characteristic of situations that create conflicts in the child`s mind and certain regularities in the way these conflicts are resolved. Such data throw new light on the dynamics of the development of cognitive structures as well as on basic mechanisms of learning.
ББК 88.8
Общий = Детская психология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
88.8 I
Inhelder, Barbel.
Learning and the Development of Cognition / Barbel Inhelder, Hermine Sinclair, Magali Bovet. – London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974. – 308 p. – ISBN 0 7100 8057-3.
How do children learn and how are new modes of thought develop? These question have for years been of paramount interest to psychologists and others concerned with the cognitive development of the child. In this major work, reporting on over ten years` research of the Geneva School, the authors have carried the pioneering investigations of Jean Piaget to a new and remarkable level. As Piaget says in his foreword to the book: "The novelty of the findings, the clarity of the theoretical interpretation, and the sometimes even excessive caution of the conclusions enable the reader to separate clearly the experimental results from the authors` theoretical tenets." The authors` learning experiments with children were designed to examine the processes that lead to the acquisition of certain key concepts, such as conservation of matter and length. Detailed study of the progress of each individual subject revealed a number of reatures characteristic of situations that create conflicts in the child`s mind and certain regularities in the way these conflicts are resolved. Such data throw new light on the dynamics of the development of cognitive structures as well as on basic mechanisms of learning.
ББК 88.8
Общий = Детская психология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
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