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Coles, Robert - Anna Freud

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Автор: Coles, Robert
Anna Freud : the Dream of Psychoanalysis
Серия: Radcliffe biography series, A Merloyd Lawrence Book
Издательство: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992 г.
ISBN 0-201-57707-0
Автор: Coles, Robert
Anna Freud : the Dream of Psychoanalysis
Серия: Radcliffe biography series, A Merloyd Lawrence Book
Издательство: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992 г.
ISBN 0-201-57707-0
88.1 C
Coles, Robert.
Anna Freud : the Dream of Psychoanalysis / Robert Coles. – Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992. – 221 p. – (Radcliffe biography series) (A Merloyd Lawrence Book) . – ISBN 0-201-57707-0.
Robert Coles`s penetrating intellectual portrait of Anna Freude revises our view of this remarkable woman. Far from the current stereotype of the distant analyst, she was the warm guide, the ego ideal, the "good parent" for her young patients. Drawing upon years of conversation and correspondence, Robert Coles ahows us not only Anna Freud the clinician and theorist, but also the advocate for children, who cared for their welfare and spirit, not just their fantasies. After distilling the significant events of Anna Freud`s life, Dr, Coles takes up, one by one, each of her many roles: the teacher whose early years with kindergarten children influenced her for a lifetime; the theorist who developed her father`s theories in the unexplored territory of child analysis; the healer (in contrast to the "engineers" of psychotherapy); the leader and gatekeeper of the psychoanalytic movement; the idealist who wanted to make the world a better place for children; and finally, like her father, the gifted writer. Robert Coles and Anna Freud shared not only profession of child psychiatry, but also deep concern for moral development, and for the psychic survival of children in times of crises, especially wartime. Thus this profound and affectionate portrait is also a dialogue between two of the wise and caring spirits of our time.
ББК 88.1
Общий = История психологии : Персоналии психологии
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
88.1 C
Coles, Robert.
Anna Freud : the Dream of Psychoanalysis / Robert Coles. – Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992. – 221 p. – (Radcliffe biography series) (A Merloyd Lawrence Book) . – ISBN 0-201-57707-0.
Robert Coles`s penetrating intellectual portrait of Anna Freude revises our view of this remarkable woman. Far from the current stereotype of the distant analyst, she was the warm guide, the ego ideal, the "good parent" for her young patients. Drawing upon years of conversation and correspondence, Robert Coles ahows us not only Anna Freud the clinician and theorist, but also the advocate for children, who cared for their welfare and spirit, not just their fantasies. After distilling the significant events of Anna Freud`s life, Dr, Coles takes up, one by one, each of her many roles: the teacher whose early years with kindergarten children influenced her for a lifetime; the theorist who developed her father`s theories in the unexplored territory of child analysis; the healer (in contrast to the "engineers" of psychotherapy); the leader and gatekeeper of the psychoanalytic movement; the idealist who wanted to make the world a better place for children; and finally, like her father, the gifted writer. Robert Coles and Anna Freud shared not only profession of child psychiatry, but also deep concern for moral development, and for the psychic survival of children in times of crises, especially wartime. Thus this profound and affectionate portrait is also a dialogue between two of the wise and caring spirits of our time.
ББК 88.1
Общий = История психологии : Персоналии психологии
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
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