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Электронный каталог: Lujan Henriquez, Isabel - Apoyo de la familia en el transito a la jubilacion
Lujan Henriquez, Isabel - Apoyo de la familia en el transito a la jubilacion

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Lujan Henriquez, Isabel
Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion: Apoyo de la familia en el transito a la jubilacion
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Lujan Henriquez, Isabel
Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion: Apoyo de la familia en el transito a la jubilacion
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Lujan Henriquez, Isabel.
Apoyo de la familia en el transito a la jubilacion / Isabel Lujan Henriquez, Estefania Gonzalez Cintado. – Badajoz // Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion = [Позитивная психология: развитие и образование] / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – P. 287-295.
This research sought to investigate the positive influence of family support after retirement, in a group of physically and economically independent, with secondary and higher education, they also practice an active lifestyle. To do this, the same questionaire was applied to a group of 175 retired persons belonging tp Special Education Programs at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. These were people who had a paid job before retirement, so it could see the change which meant this vital transition and the role their families play after it. The results indicate that the family is the cornerstone for the participants, influencing their subjective welfare. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 2) .
Общий = Социальная психология : Психология семьи, быта, детско-родительских отношений
Общий = Общая психология : Психология личности : Возрастная психология, акмеология : Психология пожилого и старческого возраста (геронтология)
Общий = Социология
Lujan Henriquez, Isabel.
Apoyo de la familia en el transito a la jubilacion / Isabel Lujan Henriquez, Estefania Gonzalez Cintado. – Badajoz // Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion = [Позитивная психология: развитие и образование] / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – P. 287-295.
This research sought to investigate the positive influence of family support after retirement, in a group of physically and economically independent, with secondary and higher education, they also practice an active lifestyle. To do this, the same questionaire was applied to a group of 175 retired persons belonging tp Special Education Programs at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. These were people who had a paid job before retirement, so it could see the change which meant this vital transition and the role their families play after it. The results indicate that the family is the cornerstone for the participants, influencing their subjective welfare. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 2) .
Общий = Социальная психология : Психология семьи, быта, детско-родительских отношений
Общий = Общая психология : Психология личности : Возрастная психология, акмеология : Психология пожилого и старческого возраста (геронтология)
Общий = Социология