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Связанные описания:
Awale, A.
The influence of perceived warmth and competence on realistic threat and willingness for intergro...
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Awale, A.
The influence of perceived warmth and competence on realistic threat and willingness for intergro...
2019 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Nemec, Jiri
The integration of socially disadvantaged pupils in the Czech Republic: a qualitative niew on a q...
2012 г.
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Nemec, Jiri
The integration of socially disadvantaged pupils in the Czech Republic: a qualitative niew on a q...
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Mahonen, T.A.
The ironic effect of national identification on support for collective action
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Mahonen, T.A.
The ironic effect of national identification on support for collective action
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de Souza, L.E.C.
The legitimizing role of accent on discrimination against immigrants
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de Souza, L.E.C.
The legitimizing role of accent on discrimination against immigrants
2016 г.
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Nyul, B.
The limits of gender and regional diversity in the European Association of Social Psychology
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Nyul, B.
The limits of gender and regional diversity in the European Association of Social Psychology
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The memoirs of chief Red Fox: with photographs
Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1971 г.
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The memoirs of chief Red Fox: with photographs
Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1971 г.
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Lonnqvist, J.-E.
The mixed blessings of migration: Life satisfaction and self-esteem over the course of migration
2015 г.
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Lonnqvist, J.-E.
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Jetten, J.
The past as a determinant of the present: Historical continuity, collective angst, and opposition...
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Jetten, J.
The past as a determinant of the present: Historical continuity, collective angst, and opposition...
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Malihialzackerini, Saied
The prefrontal cortex as cultural brain: nature-via-nurture and dynamic organization of human bra...
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Malihialzackerini, Saied
The prefrontal cortex as cultural brain: nature-via-nurture and dynamic organization of human bra...
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The relation between ethnic group attachment and prosocial tendencies: The mediating role of cult...
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Armenta, B.E.
The relation between ethnic group attachment and prosocial tendencies: The mediating role of cult...
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Zagefka, H.
The relationship between acculturation preferences and prejudice: Longitudinal evidence from majo...
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McNeill, William H.
The Rise of the West: A history of the human community; with a retrospective essay
The University of Chicago Press, 1990 г.
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McNeill, William H.
The Rise of the West: A history of the human community; with a retrospective essay
The University of Chicago Press, 1990 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Херрманн, Петер
The role of education as part of the process of integration - the meaning off culture and mentality
2011 г.
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Херрманн, Петер
The role of education as part of the process of integration - the meaning off culture and mentality
2011 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Liao Jiuming
The Sino-Japanese Relationship in March 1937 in the Sense of Moruo's Coming Back to China
Китайско-японские отношения в марте 1937 г. в контексте возвращения Го Можо на родину
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The Sino-Japanese Relationship in March 1937 in the Sense of Moruo's Coming Back to China
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Roblain, A.
The social network of solidarity with migrants: The role of perceived injunctive norms on intergr...
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Roblain, A.
The social network of solidarity with migrants: The role of perceived injunctive norms on intergr...
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Chen Tao
The Southeastern Asian Style in Huang Zunxian's Poetry on Singapore
Стиль Юго-Восточной Азии в поэзии Хуан Цзуньсяня в Сингапуре
2010 г.
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Chen Tao
The Southeastern Asian Style in Huang Zunxian's Poetry on Singapore
Стиль Юго-Восточной Азии в поэзии Хуан Цзуньсяня в Сингапуре
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The two-sided nature of individual and intragroup experiences in the aftermath of collective vict...
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Vollhardt, J.R.
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The unique effects of blatant dehumanization on attitudes and behavior towards Muslim refugees du...
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Bruneau, E.
The unique effects of blatant dehumanization on attitudes and behavior towards Muslim refugees du...
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The vicious circle of religious prejudice: Islamophobia makes the acculturation attitudes of majo...
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Kunst, J.R.
The vicious circle of religious prejudice: Islamophobia makes the acculturation attitudes of majo...
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Jetten, J.
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Mange, J.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
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Traduire la Divine Comedie en France au XIXe siecle : le cas des "obscenites" dantesques
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Turning On Learning: Five approaches for multicultural teaching plans for race, class, gender, and disability
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Conley, T.D.
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Гриценко, В.В.
V Международная конференция "Теоретические проблемы этнической и кросскультурной психологии"
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