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Электронный каталог: Mecacci, Luciano - Brain and History
Mecacci, Luciano - Brain and History

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Автор: Mecacci, Luciano
Brain and History : the Relationship Between Neurophysiology and Psychology in Soviet Research
Издательство: Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1979 г.
ISBN 0-87630-218-5
Автор: Mecacci, Luciano
Brain and History : the Relationship Between Neurophysiology and Psychology in Soviet Research
Издательство: Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1979 г.
ISBN 0-87630-218-5
88.1 M
Mecacci, Luciano.
Brain and History : the Relationship Between Neurophysiology and Psychology in Soviet Research / Luciano Mecacci. – New York : Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1979. – 198 p. – ISBN 0-87630-218-5.
Soviet psychologists and neurophysiologists have had a very special influence on contemporary research into the physiology of higher nervous activity, psycho-physiology, and neuropsychology. However, until now their findings have often not been accessible to English-reading professionals. Now this volume provides a panoramic synthesis which illustrates the basis of the Soviet approach to the study of the relaionship between the brain and psychoogical functioning. Professor Mecacci, who has worked in the Soviet Union with the leading psychologists and neurophysiologists, focuses on the original theories and experimental results of most interest to readers in Western countries, rather than attempting to summarize all of the iata on Soviet neurophysioJogy. In doing so, he not only makes clear the main lirections of Soviet research, but also brings to life the powerful personalities who have shaped the course of Soviet psychiatry. Particular emphasis is given to the So?t concept of the brain, which is always considered in terms of its relationships with the global history of the individual, and is viewed as an active and plastic instrument with which man grows and lives in a natural and social environment. The volume follows a roughly chronological order, beginning with the psychophysiological theories of the earliest Russian investigators in the nineteenth cenury. Thorough attention is given to the work of Pavlov (1849-1936) and his folowers in visceral conditioning, which is often misinterpreted in the West. The inlovation of neurocybemetics is seen in work of neurophysioiogists in the early twentieth century, while ideas presented by Vygotsky in 1934 and expanded by Luna emphasize functional systems and dynamic relationships between "psychological"and "physiological" variables. Recent research, with roots in Pavlovian focuses on the psychophysiology of individual differences. This sketch of the contents can only hint at the richness of Professor Mecacci's discussion and interpretation of events in Soviet psychology. His presentation of research data is amplified by 31 detailed illustrations. A comprehensive bibliography and a Russian-English glossary ena)le the reader to pursue areas of special interest. This is an extremely important volume for Western psychiatrists, psychologists, and neuropsycbologists, opening the door to an understanding of Soviet contributions to our knowledge of the neurophysiological bases of behavior.
ББК 88.1
Общий = История психологии : История отечественной психологии
Общий = Биологические науки : Физиология : Психофизиология
Общий = Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая психология : Медицинская психология : Нейропсихология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Голубевой Эры Александровны
88.1 M
Mecacci, Luciano.
Brain and History : the Relationship Between Neurophysiology and Psychology in Soviet Research / Luciano Mecacci. – New York : Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1979. – 198 p. – ISBN 0-87630-218-5.
Soviet psychologists and neurophysiologists have had a very special influence on contemporary research into the physiology of higher nervous activity, psycho-physiology, and neuropsychology. However, until now their findings have often not been accessible to English-reading professionals. Now this volume provides a panoramic synthesis which illustrates the basis of the Soviet approach to the study of the relaionship between the brain and psychoogical functioning. Professor Mecacci, who has worked in the Soviet Union with the leading psychologists and neurophysiologists, focuses on the original theories and experimental results of most interest to readers in Western countries, rather than attempting to summarize all of the iata on Soviet neurophysioJogy. In doing so, he not only makes clear the main lirections of Soviet research, but also brings to life the powerful personalities who have shaped the course of Soviet psychiatry. Particular emphasis is given to the So?t concept of the brain, which is always considered in terms of its relationships with the global history of the individual, and is viewed as an active and plastic instrument with which man grows and lives in a natural and social environment. The volume follows a roughly chronological order, beginning with the psychophysiological theories of the earliest Russian investigators in the nineteenth cenury. Thorough attention is given to the work of Pavlov (1849-1936) and his folowers in visceral conditioning, which is often misinterpreted in the West. The inlovation of neurocybemetics is seen in work of neurophysioiogists in the early twentieth century, while ideas presented by Vygotsky in 1934 and expanded by Luna emphasize functional systems and dynamic relationships between "psychological"and "physiological" variables. Recent research, with roots in Pavlovian focuses on the psychophysiology of individual differences. This sketch of the contents can only hint at the richness of Professor Mecacci's discussion and interpretation of events in Soviet psychology. His presentation of research data is amplified by 31 detailed illustrations. A comprehensive bibliography and a Russian-English glossary ena)le the reader to pursue areas of special interest. This is an extremely important volume for Western psychiatrists, psychologists, and neuropsycbologists, opening the door to an understanding of Soviet contributions to our knowledge of the neurophysiological bases of behavior.
ББК 88.1
Общий = История психологии : История отечественной психологии
Общий = Биологические науки : Физиология : Психофизиология
Общий = Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая психология : Медицинская психология : Нейропсихология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Голубевой Эры Александровны
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