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Электронный каталог: Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences
Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences

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Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences
Издательство: Springer, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-387-95921-4
Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences
Издательство: Springer, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-387-95921-4
88.3 D
Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences / ред. Jaan Valsiner, P.C.M. Molenaar, Maria C.D.P. Lyra, Nandita Chaundhary. – Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. – 668 p. – Экземпляр № 51699 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке . – ISBN 978-0-387-95921-4.
Reality is dynamic: filled with variables and constantly in flux. So are the physical, phsychological, and social processes that make up our lives - so much so, assert the contributors to this book, that phenomena science often dismisses as "anecdotal" evidence are in fact valuable record of highly individual dynamic systems. Informed by dynamic systems theory and the rich history of person-centered therapy, the editors argue that the current emphasis on phenomena as data eliminates unique human context in the name of statistical accuracy, and propose instead an idiopathic re-reading of the social sciences. An international panel of researchers provides historical bases for the study of dynamic phenomena as well as variety of pertinent applications from daycare centers to political parties, answering bedrock questions about idiographic research (e.g., what constitues sampling?), and offering scientifically valid mehtods for extracting evidence from individual cases. With its balance of quantitative and qualitative approaches, "Dynamic Process Mehtodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences" consolidates a growing, innovative knowledge base particularly suited to the current state of social science, and stands as forward-looking reference for phsychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and educators.
ББК 88.3
Общий = Общая психология
Общий = Социология
88.3 D
Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences / ред. Jaan Valsiner, P.C.M. Molenaar, Maria C.D.P. Lyra, Nandita Chaundhary. – Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. – 668 p. – Экземпляр № 51699 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке . – ISBN 978-0-387-95921-4.
Reality is dynamic: filled with variables and constantly in flux. So are the physical, phsychological, and social processes that make up our lives - so much so, assert the contributors to this book, that phenomena science often dismisses as "anecdotal" evidence are in fact valuable record of highly individual dynamic systems. Informed by dynamic systems theory and the rich history of person-centered therapy, the editors argue that the current emphasis on phenomena as data eliminates unique human context in the name of statistical accuracy, and propose instead an idiopathic re-reading of the social sciences. An international panel of researchers provides historical bases for the study of dynamic phenomena as well as variety of pertinent applications from daycare centers to political parties, answering bedrock questions about idiographic research (e.g., what constitues sampling?), and offering scientifically valid mehtods for extracting evidence from individual cases. With its balance of quantitative and qualitative approaches, "Dynamic Process Mehtodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences" consolidates a growing, innovative knowledge base particularly suited to the current state of social science, and stands as forward-looking reference for phsychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and educators.
ББК 88.3
Общий = Общая психология
Общий = Социология
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