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Электронный каталог: Montessori, Maria - The Montessori Method
Montessori, Maria - The Montessori Method

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Автор: Montessori, Maria
The Montessori Method
Издательство: Schocken Books, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-8052-0922-0
Автор: Montessori, Maria
The Montessori Method
Издательство: Schocken Books, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-8052-0922-0
74.03 M
Montessori, Maria.
The Montessori Method / Maria Montessori. – New York : Schocken Books, 1988. – 376 p. – ISBN 0-8052-0922-0.
This is the book that introduces the Montessori method to America. A radical departure from conventional educational wisdom when it first came on the scene, the Montessori method has become one of the most powerful and influential sets of ideas and practices on the education of children. "The Montessori Method" is Dr. Montessori`s ownexposition of the theory behind her innovative educational techniques. She shows parents, teachers, and administrators how to "free a child to learn through his own efforts". The book introduces the guiding principles of the method: liberty for the child complemented by organization of the work by an adult (a "non-teacher", in Montessori`s terms). Through movement and manipulation of the Montessori materials, through thinking with the senses, the child develops a sense of order and logical thought - and a firm foundation for success in the three R`s.
ББК 74.03
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : История образования и педагогической мысли : Педагогические системы
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
74.03 M
Montessori, Maria.
The Montessori Method / Maria Montessori. – New York : Schocken Books, 1988. – 376 p. – ISBN 0-8052-0922-0.
This is the book that introduces the Montessori method to America. A radical departure from conventional educational wisdom when it first came on the scene, the Montessori method has become one of the most powerful and influential sets of ideas and practices on the education of children. "The Montessori Method" is Dr. Montessori`s ownexposition of the theory behind her innovative educational techniques. She shows parents, teachers, and administrators how to "free a child to learn through his own efforts". The book introduces the guiding principles of the method: liberty for the child complemented by organization of the work by an adult (a "non-teacher", in Montessori`s terms). Through movement and manipulation of the Montessori materials, through thinking with the senses, the child develops a sense of order and logical thought - and a firm foundation for success in the three R`s.
ББК 74.03
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : История образования и педагогической мысли : Педагогические системы
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
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