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Электронный каталог: Violencia escolar: rasgos definitorios y practicas encaminadas a la prevencion del fenomeno
Violencia escolar: rasgos definitorios y practicas encaminadas a la prevencion del fenomeno
Книга (аналит. описание)
Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion: Violencia escolar: rasgos definitorios y practicas encaminadas a la prevencion del fenomeno
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion: Violencia escolar: rasgos definitorios y practicas encaminadas a la prevencion del fenomeno
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Violencia escolar: rasgos definitorios y practicas encaminadas a la prevencion del fenomeno / автор Juan Miguel Fernandez Campoy, Jose Manuel Aguilar Parra, Joaquin Alvarez Hernandez, Elroy R. Perez-Gallardo, Dario Salguero Garcia. – Badajoz // Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion = [Позитивная психология: развитие и образование] / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – P. 131-138.
An important problem that comes suffering the school in the last times it is the school violence, a very present phenomenon in the daily reality of these institutions that threatens to prevent his educational and formative activities. It is for it that aquires great importance to look for strategies that allow to eradicate the consequences of the school violence, to guarantee that the school could realize his activities without problems. To realiz good investigations inside this area, therefore, turns out to be necessary to determine wnat variables and factors are behind the violent conducts that meet in the teaching institutions. Therefore, the present communication constitutes a theoretical review of the principal works developed on the subject matter object of study, withe intention of describing the principal factors and variables that can unleash the school violence. Hereby, it is possible to delimit the base of which they will to devide successive investigations and programs that try to finish with the phenomenon of the school violence. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 2) .
Общий = Детская психология
Общий = Социальная психология
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика школы
Violencia escolar: rasgos definitorios y practicas encaminadas a la prevencion del fenomeno / автор Juan Miguel Fernandez Campoy, Jose Manuel Aguilar Parra, Joaquin Alvarez Hernandez, Elroy R. Perez-Gallardo, Dario Salguero Garcia. – Badajoz // Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion = [Позитивная психология: развитие и образование] / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – P. 131-138.
An important problem that comes suffering the school in the last times it is the school violence, a very present phenomenon in the daily reality of these institutions that threatens to prevent his educational and formative activities. It is for it that aquires great importance to look for strategies that allow to eradicate the consequences of the school violence, to guarantee that the school could realize his activities without problems. To realiz good investigations inside this area, therefore, turns out to be necessary to determine wnat variables and factors are behind the violent conducts that meet in the teaching institutions. Therefore, the present communication constitutes a theoretical review of the principal works developed on the subject matter object of study, withe intention of describing the principal factors and variables that can unleash the school violence. Hereby, it is possible to delimit the base of which they will to devide successive investigations and programs that try to finish with the phenomenon of the school violence. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 2) .
Общий = Детская психология
Общий = Социальная психология
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика школы