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Электронный каталог: Adaptation to climate change in river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management
Adaptation to climate change in river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management
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Adaptation to climate change in river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management : монография
Издательство: Всемирный фонд дикой природы, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-7-5115-1479-0
Adaptation to climate change in river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management : монография
Издательство: Всемирный фонд дикой природы, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-7-5115-1479-0
Электронный ресурс
Adaptation to climate change in river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management : монография. – Пекин : Всемирный фонд дикой природы, 2013. – 139 с. : ил., табл. – URL: https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=578018. – Режим доступа: электронная библиотечная система «Университетская библиотека ONLINE», требуется авторизация . – Библиогр.: с. 88-102. – На англ. яз. – ISBN 978-7-5115-1479-0.
This report presents the first outcomes of the Programme "The impact of climate change on ecosystems of Dauria ecoregion and environmental adaptations to them" and an important part of it – the “Dauria Going Dry” Pilot Project initiated by Daursky Biosphere Reserve ( part of Dauria International Protected Area - DIPA) and WWF-Russia under auspices of the UNECE Convention on Transboundary Waters and the Ramsar Convention. The key question that the Project considers is how to prevent destruction of Daurian natural ecosystems, enhance their resilience and save globally endangered species in circumstances of intensive economic developmentand water deficit caused by periodic climate change. The Programme collects and analyses scientific information on natural climatedependent ecosystems processes, their actual conditions and dynamics and anthropogenic influence on them. These data are the scientific basis for environmental-friendly social and economic development in Dauria. This publication reflects solely the views of its authors. The views, conclusions, and recommendations are not intended to represent the views of the conventions' secretariats or other entities supporting the project.
Adaptation to climate change in river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management : монография. – Пекин : Всемирный фонд дикой природы, 2013. – 139 с. : ил., табл. – URL: https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=578018. – Режим доступа: электронная библиотечная система «Университетская библиотека ONLINE», требуется авторизация . – Библиогр.: с. 88-102. – На англ. яз. – ISBN 978-7-5115-1479-0.
This report presents the first outcomes of the Programme "The impact of climate change on ecosystems of Dauria ecoregion and environmental adaptations to them" and an important part of it – the “Dauria Going Dry” Pilot Project initiated by Daursky Biosphere Reserve ( part of Dauria International Protected Area - DIPA) and WWF-Russia under auspices of the UNECE Convention on Transboundary Waters and the Ramsar Convention. The key question that the Project considers is how to prevent destruction of Daurian natural ecosystems, enhance their resilience and save globally endangered species in circumstances of intensive economic developmentand water deficit caused by periodic climate change. The Programme collects and analyses scientific information on natural climatedependent ecosystems processes, their actual conditions and dynamics and anthropogenic influence on them. These data are the scientific basis for environmental-friendly social and economic development in Dauria. This publication reflects solely the views of its authors. The views, conclusions, and recommendations are not intended to represent the views of the conventions' secretariats or other entities supporting the project.