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Связанные описания:

Lytle, A.
Contact with bisexual individuals reduces binegativity among heterosexuals and lesbian women and ...
2017 г.
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Lytle, A.
Contact with bisexual individuals reduces binegativity among heterosexuals and lesbian women and ...
2017 г.
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Kosakowska-Berezecka, N.
Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries
2020 г.
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Kosakowska-Berezecka, N.
Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries
2020 г.
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Becker, J.C.
Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't: Consequences of accepting versus confronting patronizi...
2011 г.
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Becker, J.C.
Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't: Consequences of accepting versus confronting patronizi...
2011 г.
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1 из 1

Napier, J.L.
Denial of gender discrimination is associated with better subjective well-being among women: A sy...
2020 г.
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Napier, J.L.
Denial of gender discrimination is associated with better subjective well-being among women: A sy...
2020 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Olivares, Fatima
Diferencias de genero en el nivel de auto-eficacia lectora en alumnos de educacion secundaria obl...
2013 г.
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Olivares, Fatima
Diferencias de genero en el nivel de auto-eficacia lectora en alumnos de educacion secundaria obl...
2013 г.
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Ciftci, E.E.
Distancing or drawing together: Sexism and organisational tolerance of sexism impact women's soci...
2020 г.
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Ciftci, E.E.
Distancing or drawing together: Sexism and organisational tolerance of sexism impact women's soci...
2020 г.
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Kaiser, C.R.
Do women who succeed in male-dominated domains help other women? The moderating role of gender id...
2015 г.
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Kaiser, C.R.
Do women who succeed in male-dominated domains help other women? The moderating role of gender id...
2015 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Becker, J.C.
Doing gender differently—The interplay of strength of gender identification and content of gender...
2009 г.
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Becker, J.C.
Doing gender differently—The interplay of strength of gender identification and content of gender...
2009 г.
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Bahns, A.J.
Effects of legitimizing discrimination against homosexuals on gay bashing
2011 г.
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Bahns, A.J.
Effects of legitimizing discrimination against homosexuals on gay bashing
2011 г.
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Kuppens, T.
Emotions in context: Anger causes ethnic bias but not gender bias in men but not women
2012 г.
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Kuppens, T.
Emotions in context: Anger causes ethnic bias but not gender bias in men but not women
2012 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Expectativas de estudiantes de educacion superior segun nacionalidad y genero
Expectations of higher education students by nationality and gender
2013 г.
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Expectativas de estudiantes de educacion superior segun nacionalidad y genero
Expectations of higher education students by nationality and gender
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует

de Oliveira Laux, S.H.
Explicit but not implicit sexist beliefs predict benevolent and hostile sexist behavior
2015 г.
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de Oliveira Laux, S.H.
Explicit but not implicit sexist beliefs predict benevolent and hostile sexist behavior
2015 г.
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Anderson, J.
Exploring patterns of explicit and implicit anti-gay attitudes in Muslims and Atheists
2015 г.
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Anderson, J.
Exploring patterns of explicit and implicit anti-gay attitudes in Muslims and Atheists
2015 г.
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Ramos, M.R.
Exposure to sexism can decrease implicit gender stereotype bias
2016 г.
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Ramos, M.R.
Exposure to sexism can decrease implicit gender stereotype bias
2016 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Shtepa, O.S.
Features of psychological resources of women
2012 г.
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Shtepa, O.S.
Features of psychological resources of women
2012 г.
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Nater, C.
Footsteps I would like to follow? How gender quotas affect the acceptance of women leaders as rol...
2023 г.
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Nater, C.
Footsteps I would like to follow? How gender quotas affect the acceptance of women leaders as rol...
2023 г.
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Bruckmuller, S.
Framing gender differences: Linguistic normativity affects perceptions of power and gender stereo...
2012 г.
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Bruckmuller, S.
Framing gender differences: Linguistic normativity affects perceptions of power and gender stereo...
2012 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Узлов, Н.Д.
Gardula mammaria contra vagina: телесные маркеры женской генитальной тревожности
2011 г.
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Узлов, Н.Д.
Gardula mammaria contra vagina: телесные маркеры женской генитальной тревожности
2011 г.
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Gender and emotion: social psychological perspectives
Cambridge University press, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-521-63986-7
Gender and emotion: social psychological perspectives
Cambridge University press, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-521-63986-7

Книга (аналит. описание)
Reyes, A.F.
Gender differences during word processing: effects of question linguistic prosody on attention un...
2013 г.
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Reyes, A.F.
Gender differences during word processing: effects of question linguistic prosody on attention un...
2013 г.
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Miles, E.W.
Gender differences in distributive negotiation: When in the negotiation process do the difference...
2010 г.
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Miles, E.W.
Gender differences in distributive negotiation: When in the negotiation process do the difference...
2010 г.
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Cadinu, M.
Gender differences in implicit gender self-categorization lead to stronger gender self-stereotypi...
2012 г.
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Cadinu, M.
Gender differences in implicit gender self-categorization lead to stronger gender self-stereotypi...
2012 г.
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Gender differences in mathematics: an integrative psychological approach
Cambridge University press, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-521-82605-5
Gender differences in mathematics: an integrative psychological approach
Cambridge University press, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-521-82605-5

Fujiwara, K.
Gender differences in synchrony: Females in sync during unstructured dyadic conversation
2019 г.
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Fujiwara, K.
Gender differences in synchrony: Females in sync during unstructured dyadic conversation
2019 г.
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Speer, Susan A.
Gender talk: feminism, discourse and conversation analysis
ISBN 0-415-24644-X
Speer, Susan A.
Gender talk: feminism, discourse and conversation analysis
Серия: Women and Psychology
Routledge, 2005 г.ISBN 0-415-24644-X

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Gewalt gegen Madchen an Schulen
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Gewalt gegen Madchen an Schulen
Серия: Gewalt gegen Madchen
Senatsverwaltung fur Arbeit und Frauen, 1993 г.ISBN отсутствует

Книга (аналит. описание)
Groot Kim, Sonja de
Girls on the Sidelines: "Gendered" Development in Early Childhood Classrooms
2008 г.
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Groot Kim, Sonja de
Girls on the Sidelines: "Gendered" Development in Early Childhood Classrooms
2008 г.
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