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Связанные описания:

1 из 1
Stuart, Richard B.
Helping Couples Change: A Social Learning Approach to Marital Therapy
The Guilford Press, 1980 г.
ISBN 0-89862-604-8
Stuart, Richard B.
Helping Couples Change: A Social Learning Approach to Marital Therapy
The Guilford Press, 1980 г.
ISBN 0-89862-604-8

Kuntz, A.
Human values, legal regulation, and approval of homosexuality in Europe: A cross-country comparison
2015 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Kuntz, A.
Human values, legal regulation, and approval of homosexuality in Europe: A cross-country comparison
2015 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Книга (аналит. описание)
Morales Santana, Miriam
Identidad de genero y sexismo en estudiantes de segundo de bachillerato del norte de Gran Canaria
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Morales Santana, Miriam
Identidad de genero y sexismo en estudiantes de segundo de bachillerato del norte de Gran Canaria
2013 г.
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Hodson, G.
Independent benefits of contact and friendship on attitudes toward homosexuals among authoritaria...
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Hodson, G.
Independent benefits of contact and friendship on attitudes toward homosexuals among authoritaria...
2009 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Oers, Bert van
Inscripting Predicates: Dealing with Meanings in Play
2008 г.
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Oers, Bert van
Inscripting Predicates: Dealing with Meanings in Play
2008 г.
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Anderson, J.R.
iObjectify: Self- and other-objectification on Grindr, a geosocial networking application designe...
2018 г.
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Anderson, J.R.
iObjectify: Self- and other-objectification on Grindr, a geosocial networking application designe...
2018 г.
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Lammers, J.
Iron ladies, men of steel: The effects of gender stereotyping on the perception of male and femal...
2009 г.
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Lammers, J.
Iron ladies, men of steel: The effects of gender stereotyping on the perception of male and femal...
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Gavey, Nicola
Just Sex?: the cultural scaffolding of rape
ISBN 0-415-31072-5
Gavey, Nicola
Just Sex?: the cultural scaffolding of rape
Серия: Women and Psychology
Routledge, 2005 г.ISBN 0-415-31072-5

1 из 1
Morel, Genevieve
La loi de la mere: essai sur le sinthome sexuel
Economica, Anthropos, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-2-7178-5494-7
Morel, Genevieve
La loi de la mere: essai sur le sinthome sexuel
Economica, Anthropos, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-2-7178-5494-7

1 из 1
Van Buren, Jane
Mothers and daughters and the origins of female subjectivity
Routledge, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-0-415-38674-6
Van Buren, Jane
Mothers and daughters and the origins of female subjectivity
Routledge, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-0-415-38674-6

Gay, R.K.
My body or my mind: The impact of state and trait objectification on women's cognitive resources
2010 г.
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Gay, R.K.
My body or my mind: The impact of state and trait objectification on women's cognitive resources
2010 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Fasoli, F.
Not “just words”: Exposure to homophobic epithets leads to dehumanizing and physical distancing f...
2016 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Fasoli, F.
Not “just words”: Exposure to homophobic epithets leads to dehumanizing and physical distancing f...
2016 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Thielmann, I.
Now you see it, now you don't: Explaining inconsistent evidence on gender stereotyping of newborns
2015 г.
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Thielmann, I.
Now you see it, now you don't: Explaining inconsistent evidence on gender stereotyping of newborns
2015 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Sibley, C.G.
On the nature of sexist ambivalence: Profiling ambivalent and univalent sexists
2012 г.
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Sibley, C.G.
On the nature of sexist ambivalence: Profiling ambivalent and univalent sexists
2012 г.
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1 из 1
Hamon, Marie-Christine
Pourquoi les femmes aiment-elles les hommes?: et non pas plutot leur mere, essai sur Freud et la feminite
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Hamon, Marie-Christine
Pourquoi les femmes aiment-elles les hommes?: et non pas plutot leur mere, essai sur Freud et la feminite
Серия: Champ Freudien
Editions du Seuil, 1992 г.ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Pittman, Frank
Private Lies: Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy
W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1989 г.
ISBN 0-393-02634-5
Pittman, Frank
Private Lies: Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy
W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1989 г.
ISBN 0-393-02634-5

Faniko, K.
Queen Bees and Alpha Males: Are successful women more competitive than successful men?
2016 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Faniko, K.
Queen Bees and Alpha Males: Are successful women more competitive than successful men?
2016 г.
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Mizrahi, M.
Reassuring sex: Can sexual desire and intimacy reduce relationship-specific attachment insecurities?
2016 г.
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Mizrahi, M.
Reassuring sex: Can sexual desire and intimacy reduce relationship-specific attachment insecurities?
2016 г.
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Экз. чит. зала

1 из 1
Sex differences in antisocial behaviour: conduct disorder, delinquency, and violence in the Dunedin longitudinal study
Cambridge University press, 2006 г.
ISBN 978-0-521-01066-5
Sex differences in antisocial behaviour: conduct disorder, delinquency, and violence in the Dunedin longitudinal study
Cambridge University press, 2006 г.
ISBN 978-0-521-01066-5

Книга (аналит. описание)
Ludwig, N.N.
Sex Differences in the Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Call for Future Research
Половые различия в результатах скрининга пациентов с расстройствами аутистического спектра: необходимость дальнейших исследований
2018 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Ludwig, N.N.
Sex Differences in the Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Call for Future Research
Половые различия в результатах скрининга пациентов с расстройствами аутистического спектра: необходимость дальнейших исследований
2018 г.
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De Wilde, M.
Sex is power belief and women’s mental health: The mediating roles of self-objectification and se...
2020 г.
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De Wilde, M.
Sex is power belief and women’s mental health: The mediating roles of self-objectification and se...
2020 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Fajardo Caldera, Maria Isabel
Sexting: nuevos usos de la tecnologia y la sexualidad en adolescentes
2013 г.
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Fajardo Caldera, Maria Isabel
Sexting: nuevos usos de la tecnologia y la sexualidad en adolescentes
2013 г.
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Teng, F.
Sexual objectification pushes women away: The role of decreased likability
2015 г.
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Teng, F.
Sexual objectification pushes women away: The role of decreased likability
2015 г.
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Blincoe, S.
Status and inclusion, anger and sadness: Gendered responses to disrespect
2011 г.
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Blincoe, S.
Status and inclusion, anger and sadness: Gendered responses to disrespect
2011 г.
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Pennington, C.R.
Stereotype threat may not impact women's inhibitory control or mathematical performance: Providin...
2019 г.
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Pennington, C.R.
Stereotype threat may not impact women's inhibitory control or mathematical performance: Providin...
2019 г.
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von Hippel, C.
Stereotype threat: Antecedents and consequences for working women
2011 г.
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von Hippel, C.
Stereotype threat: Antecedents and consequences for working women
2011 г.
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Scheifele, C.
Testing the basic socio-structural assumptions of social identity theory in the gender context: E...
2021 г.
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Scheifele, C.
Testing the basic socio-structural assumptions of social identity theory in the gender context: E...
2021 г.
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Travaglino, G.A.
That is how we do it around here: Levels of identification, masculine honor, and social activism ...
2015 г.
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Travaglino, G.A.
That is how we do it around here: Levels of identification, masculine honor, and social activism ...
2015 г.
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