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--> История. Исторические науки
----> Этнология, этнопсихология
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- Этнология, этнопсихология
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Связанные описания:

Ufkes, E.G.
Urban district identity as a common ingroup identity: The different role of ingroup prototypicali...
2012 г.
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Ufkes, E.G.
Urban district identity as a common ingroup identity: The different role of ingroup prototypicali...
2012 г.
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Гриценко, В.В.
V Международная конференция "Теоретические проблемы этнической и кросскультурной психологии"
2016 г.
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Гриценко, В.В.
V Международная конференция "Теоретические проблемы этнической и кросскультурной психологии"
2016 г.
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1 из 1
VI Конгресс этнографов и антропологов России: Санкт-Петербург 28 июня-2 июля 2005 года: тезисы докладов
Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН, 2005 г.
ISBN 5-88431-116-8
VI Конгресс этнографов и антропологов России: Санкт-Петербург 28 июня-2 июля 2005 года: тезисы докладов
Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН, 2005 г.
ISBN 5-88431-116-8

1 из 1

1 из 1
Wills, Richard H.
Volume 1. : Human Instincts, Everyday Life, and the Brain: a paradigm for understanding behavior, specific behaviors in response to instincts, or feelings, a research series
Uneversity of Pince Edward Island, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-9684020-0-3
Wills, Richard H.
Volume 1. : Human Instincts, Everyday Life, and the Brain: a paradigm for understanding behavior, specific behaviors in response to instincts, or feelings, a research series
Uneversity of Pince Edward Island, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-9684020-0-3

1 из 1
Wills, Richard H.
Volume 2. : Human Instincts, Everyday Life, and the Brain. Case examples #1156 - #2272: a paradigm for understanding behavior, specific behaviors in response to instincts, or feelings, a research
Uneversity of Pince Edward Island, 2002 г.
ISBN 0-9684020-1-1
Wills, Richard H.
Volume 2. : Human Instincts, Everyday Life, and the Brain. Case examples #1156 - #2272: a paradigm for understanding behavior, specific behaviors in response to instincts, or feelings, a research
Uneversity of Pince Edward Island, 2002 г.
ISBN 0-9684020-1-1

1 из 1
Wills, Richard H.
Volume 3. : Human Instincts, Everyday Life, and the Brain. Case examples #2273 - #2890: a paradigm for understanding behavior, specific behaviors in response to instincts, or feelings, a research
Uneversity of Pince Edward Island, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-9684020-2-X
Wills, Richard H.
Volume 3. : Human Instincts, Everyday Life, and the Brain. Case examples #2273 - #2890: a paradigm for understanding behavior, specific behaviors in response to instincts, or feelings, a research
Uneversity of Pince Edward Island, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-9684020-2-X

Spini, D.
War experiences and emerging rights claims in postwar former Yugoslavia: The role of generalized ...
2019 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Spini, D.
War experiences and emerging rights claims in postwar former Yugoslavia: The role of generalized ...
2019 г.
ISBN отсутствует

3 из 3
Fox, Kate
Watching the English: the Hidden Rules of English Behaviour
Hodder, 2004 г.
ISBN 978-0-340-75212-8
Fox, Kate
Watching the English: the Hidden Rules of English Behaviour
Hodder, 2004 г.
ISBN 978-0-340-75212-8

1 из 1
Heath, Shirley Brice
Ways with Words: Language, life, and work in communities and classrooms
Cambridge University press, 1983 г.
ISBN 0-521-25334-9
Heath, Shirley Brice
Ways with Words: Language, life, and work in communities and classrooms
Cambridge University press, 1983 г.
ISBN 0-521-25334-9

Kessler, T.
We all live in Germany but … Ingroup projection, group-based emotions and prejudice against immig...
2010 г.
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Kessler, T.
We all live in Germany but … Ingroup projection, group-based emotions and prejudice against immig...
2010 г.
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Kamans, E.
What I think you see is what you get: Influence of prejudice on assimilation to negative meta-ste...
2009 г.
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Kamans, E.
What I think you see is what you get: Influence of prejudice on assimilation to negative meta-ste...
2009 г.
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Teste, B.
What is an “appropriate” migrant? Impact of the adoption of meritocratic worldviews by potential ...
2012 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Teste, B.
What is an “appropriate” migrant? Impact of the adoption of meritocratic worldviews by potential ...
2012 г.
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Landmann, H.
What is threatening about refugees? Identifying different types of threat and their association w...
2019 г.
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Landmann, H.
What is threatening about refugees? Identifying different types of threat and their association w...
2019 г.
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Selvanathan, H.P.
What should allies do? Identifying activist perspectives on the role of white allies in the strug...
2023 г.
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Selvanathan, H.P.
What should allies do? Identifying activist perspectives on the role of white allies in the strug...
2023 г.
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Roessel, J.
What's in an accent? General spontaneous biases against nonnative accents: An investigation with ...
2018 г.
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Roessel, J.
What's in an accent? General spontaneous biases against nonnative accents: An investigation with ...
2018 г.
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Uhlmann, E.L.
When actions speak volumes: The role of inferences about moral character in outrage over racial b...
2014 г.
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Uhlmann, E.L.
When actions speak volumes: The role of inferences about moral character in outrage over racial b...
2014 г.
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Thomas, E.F.
When and how social movements mobilize action within and across nations to promote solidarity wit...
2019 г.
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Thomas, E.F.
When and how social movements mobilize action within and across nations to promote solidarity wit...
2019 г.
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Van Pachterbeke, M.
When authoritarianism meets religion: Sacrificing others in the name of abstract deontology
2011 г.
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Van Pachterbeke, M.
When authoritarianism meets religion: Sacrificing others in the name of abstract deontology
2011 г.
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Wiley, S.
When does dual identity predict protest? The moderating roles of anti-immigrant policies and opin...
2014 г.
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Wiley, S.
When does dual identity predict protest? The moderating roles of anti-immigrant policies and opin...
2014 г.
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DeMarco, T.C.
When groups do not cure: Group esteem moderates the social cure effect
2019 г.
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DeMarco, T.C.
When groups do not cure: Group esteem moderates the social cure effect
2019 г.
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Jetten, J.
When groups have a lot to lose: Historical continuity enhances resistance to a merger
2011 г.
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Jetten, J.
When groups have a lot to lose: Historical continuity enhances resistance to a merger
2011 г.
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Begeny, C.T.
When identity hurts: How positive intragroup experiences can yield negative mental health implica...
2017 г.
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Begeny, C.T.
When identity hurts: How positive intragroup experiences can yield negative mental health implica...
2017 г.
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Reifen Tagar, M.
When ideology matters: Moral conviction and the association between ideology and policy preferenc...
2014 г.
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Reifen Tagar, M.
When ideology matters: Moral conviction and the association between ideology and policy preferenc...
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Kauff, M.
When immigrant groups “misbehave”: The influence of perceived deviant behavior on increased threa...
2015 г.
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Kauff, M.
When immigrant groups “misbehave”: The influence of perceived deviant behavior on increased threa...
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Miranda, M.
When in Rome… Identification and acculturation strategies among minority members moderate the deh...
2014 г.
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Miranda, M.
When in Rome… Identification and acculturation strategies among minority members moderate the deh...
2014 г.
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Berndsen, M.
When majority members exclude ethnic minorities: The impact of shame on the desire to object to i...
2015 г.
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Berndsen, M.
When majority members exclude ethnic minorities: The impact of shame on the desire to object to i...
2015 г.
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Berndsen, M.
When majority members exclude ethnic minorities: The impact of shame on the desire to object to i...
2015 г.
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Berndsen, M.
When majority members exclude ethnic minorities: The impact of shame on the desire to object to i...
2015 г.
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Meeussen, L.
When values (do not) converge: Cultural diversity and value convergence in work groups
2014 г.
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Meeussen, L.
When values (do not) converge: Cultural diversity and value convergence in work groups
2014 г.
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