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Электронный каталог: Dobriansyj Weber, Lidia Natalia - Estilos e praticas parentais e sinais de depressao em adolescentes brasileiros
Dobriansyj Weber, Lidia Natalia - Estilos e praticas parentais e sinais de depressao em adolescentes brasileiros

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Dobriansyj Weber, Lidia Natalia
Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos: Estilos e praticas parentais e sinais de depressao em adolescentes brasileiros
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Dobriansyj Weber, Lidia Natalia
Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos: Estilos e praticas parentais e sinais de depressao em adolescentes brasileiros
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Dobriansyj Weber, Lidia Natalia.
Estilos e praticas parentais e sinais de depressao em adolescentes brasileiros / Lidia Natalia Dobriansyj Weber. – Badajoz // Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – С. 217-225.
Parenting practices correspond to behaviors defined by specific contents and by socializing objectives, while parenting styles constitute the conjunction of parental attitudes that generate an emotional climate in which parental behavior is expressed, including the parenting practices. Both have strong impact on child and adolescent development and many studies emphasize the relationship between positive parenting practices and loving family interaction with low levels of depression and that the absence of these aspects is a risk factor to depressive manifestations. This research investigated the relations existing between parental educational practices (involvement, monitoring, punishment, role model, communication, marital climate and adolescent feelings), parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent and negligent) and depression of Brazilian teenagers. 1,200 students aged between 12 and 18 took part in the study, providing replies in a collective and anonymous manner to three different scales, namely: Family Interaction Quality Scales (Weber and et al. 2009), Demandingness and Responsiveness Scales (Lamborn et al., 1991) and Children's Depression Inventory (Kovacs, 1992). Statistical analysis revealed strong relations (p<0,001) between negative parental educational practices, especially low involvement, and also negative marital climate and signs of depression, whilst it was also observed that low depression score is related to positive parental practices and family interaction. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 1) .
Общий = Социальная психология : Психология семьи, быта, детско-родительских отношений
Общий = Детская психология
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : Педагогика семейного воспитания
Общий = Общая психология : Психодиагностика
Dobriansyj Weber, Lidia Natalia.
Estilos e praticas parentais e sinais de depressao em adolescentes brasileiros / Lidia Natalia Dobriansyj Weber. – Badajoz // Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – С. 217-225.
Parenting practices correspond to behaviors defined by specific contents and by socializing objectives, while parenting styles constitute the conjunction of parental attitudes that generate an emotional climate in which parental behavior is expressed, including the parenting practices. Both have strong impact on child and adolescent development and many studies emphasize the relationship between positive parenting practices and loving family interaction with low levels of depression and that the absence of these aspects is a risk factor to depressive manifestations. This research investigated the relations existing between parental educational practices (involvement, monitoring, punishment, role model, communication, marital climate and adolescent feelings), parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent and negligent) and depression of Brazilian teenagers. 1,200 students aged between 12 and 18 took part in the study, providing replies in a collective and anonymous manner to three different scales, namely: Family Interaction Quality Scales (Weber and et al. 2009), Demandingness and Responsiveness Scales (Lamborn et al., 1991) and Children's Depression Inventory (Kovacs, 1992). Statistical analysis revealed strong relations (p<0,001) between negative parental educational practices, especially low involvement, and also negative marital climate and signs of depression, whilst it was also observed that low depression score is related to positive parental practices and family interaction. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 1) .
Общий = Социальная психология : Психология семьи, быта, детско-родительских отношений
Общий = Детская психология
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : Педагогика семейного воспитания
Общий = Общая психология : Психодиагностика