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Электронный каталог: Filipe, Susana Raquel Branco Monica - Attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special educational needs in physical education ...
Filipe, Susana Raquel Branco Monica - Attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special educational needs in physical education ...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Filipe, Susana Raquel Branco Monica
Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos: Attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special educational needs in physical education ...
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Filipe, Susana Raquel Branco Monica
Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos: Attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special educational needs in physical education ...
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Filipe, Susana Raquel Branco Monica.
Attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special educational needs in physical education classes / Susana Raquel Branco Monica Filipe, Lisete dos Santos Mendes Monico. – Badajoz // Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – С. 603-614.
This study aims to assess the attitudes of physical education teachers towards the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in physical education (PE) classes. We analysed the opinion of teachers about their training in Speciai Education, under what conditions and what educational materials are used and what procedures they adopt to overcome the special educational needs of the students. A questionnaire was given to a sampie of 115 PE teachers. The study led to the following conclusions: The attitude of PE teachers with more experience is less favourable towards the inclusion of pupils with SEN in regular ciasses. The more the teacher perceives the need to progress in his education and have more training to feel comfortable to teach to pupils with SEN, more the attitudes are favourable towards the inclusion. Students with SEN developed more easily their skills with individualized support and there are advantages with their inclusion in Regular Education. The attitudes towards the teaching supports are less favourable, due to the lack of appropriate services, as well to the lack of appropriate resources / specific materials available to work with students with SEN. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 1) .
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : Специальные школы. Дефектология (коррекционная педагогика)
Общий = Физическая культура и спорт
Общий = Социальная психология
Filipe, Susana Raquel Branco Monica.
Attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special educational needs in physical education classes / Susana Raquel Branco Monica Filipe, Lisete dos Santos Mendes Monico. – Badajoz // Familia y Educacion: aspectos positivos / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – С. 603-614.
This study aims to assess the attitudes of physical education teachers towards the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in physical education (PE) classes. We analysed the opinion of teachers about their training in Speciai Education, under what conditions and what educational materials are used and what procedures they adopt to overcome the special educational needs of the students. A questionnaire was given to a sampie of 115 PE teachers. The study led to the following conclusions: The attitude of PE teachers with more experience is less favourable towards the inclusion of pupils with SEN in regular ciasses. The more the teacher perceives the need to progress in his education and have more training to feel comfortable to teach to pupils with SEN, more the attitudes are favourable towards the inclusion. Students with SEN developed more easily their skills with individualized support and there are advantages with their inclusion in Regular Education. The attitudes towards the teaching supports are less favourable, due to the lack of appropriate services, as well to the lack of appropriate resources / specific materials available to work with students with SEN. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 1) .
Общий = Образование. Педагогическая наука : Специальные школы. Дефектология (коррекционная педагогика)
Общий = Физическая культура и спорт
Общий = Социальная психология