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Электронный каталог: Hyperactive Children
Hyperactive Children

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Hyperactive Children : the Social Ecology of Identification and Treatment
Издательство: Academic press, 1980 г.
ISBN 0-12-745950-2
Hyperactive Children : the Social Ecology of Identification and Treatment
Издательство: Academic press, 1980 г.
ISBN 0-12-745950-2
88.48 H
Hyperactive Children : the Social Ecology of Identification and Treatment / ред. Carol K. Whalen, Barbara Henker. – New York : Academic press, 1980. – 407 p. – ISBN 0-12-745950-2.
This volume examines current approaches to the identification and treatment of hyperactive children, with emphasis on social ecological perspectives. The original contributions, each written by leading authorities in the field, survey diverse conceptual frameworks, levels of analysis, topical questions, and empirical strategies from the viewpoints of psychology, education, medicine, and sociology. New data are presented on prevalence, activity level, attentional processes,drug effects, as well as behavioral and cognitive treatment strategies. The first section presents a review and conceptual model of hyperactivity, specifically exploring psychostimulant therapies. Emphasis is placed on the pften unrecognized and difficult-to-study emanative or sociocognitive effects of pharmacotherapy. The many messages of medication are considered at both individual and social levels of analysis. Section II presents three diverse research strategies for defining hyperactivity incontext, illustrating varied behavioral and environmental characteristics and the value of identifying subgroups of hyperactive children. Section III addresses questions about the prevalence of hyperactivity and alternative treatment strategies. Subsequent sections focus on comparisons of drug and behavioral treatment programs and on nonpharmacologic approaches, as well as the "match" between specific child characteristics and particular intervention modes. These discussions are richly amplified by clinical illustrations and guidelines. A pervasive theme is that, while drug treatment is often effective it is rarely sufficient. The final section presents a tentative glimpse into the future, focusing on new findings from social ecological studies of hyperactivity and highlighting the role of recent judicial and legaslative mandates.
ББК 88.48
Общий = Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая психология : Медицинская психология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
88.48 H
Hyperactive Children : the Social Ecology of Identification and Treatment / ред. Carol K. Whalen, Barbara Henker. – New York : Academic press, 1980. – 407 p. – ISBN 0-12-745950-2.
This volume examines current approaches to the identification and treatment of hyperactive children, with emphasis on social ecological perspectives. The original contributions, each written by leading authorities in the field, survey diverse conceptual frameworks, levels of analysis, topical questions, and empirical strategies from the viewpoints of psychology, education, medicine, and sociology. New data are presented on prevalence, activity level, attentional processes,drug effects, as well as behavioral and cognitive treatment strategies. The first section presents a review and conceptual model of hyperactivity, specifically exploring psychostimulant therapies. Emphasis is placed on the pften unrecognized and difficult-to-study emanative or sociocognitive effects of pharmacotherapy. The many messages of medication are considered at both individual and social levels of analysis. Section II presents three diverse research strategies for defining hyperactivity incontext, illustrating varied behavioral and environmental characteristics and the value of identifying subgroups of hyperactive children. Section III addresses questions about the prevalence of hyperactivity and alternative treatment strategies. Subsequent sections focus on comparisons of drug and behavioral treatment programs and on nonpharmacologic approaches, as well as the "match" between specific child characteristics and particular intervention modes. These discussions are richly amplified by clinical illustrations and guidelines. A pervasive theme is that, while drug treatment is often effective it is rarely sufficient. The final section presents a tentative glimpse into the future, focusing on new findings from social ecological studies of hyperactivity and highlighting the role of recent judicial and legaslative mandates.
ББК 88.48
Общий = Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая психология : Медицинская психология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
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