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Электронный каталог: Propuesta de evaluacion del programa de: juegos para estimular las inteligencias multiuples de ce...
Propuesta de evaluacion del programa de: juegos para estimular las inteligencias multiuples de ce...
Книга (аналит. описание)
Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion: Propuesta de evaluacion del programa de: juegos para estimular las inteligencias multiuples de ce...
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion: Propuesta de evaluacion del programa de: juegos para estimular las inteligencias multiuples de ce...
2013 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Propuesta de evaluacion del programa de: juegos para estimular las inteligencias multiuples de celso antunes (2006) / автор Dario Salguero Garcia, Joaquin Alvarez Hernandez, Jose Manuel Aguilar Parra, Juan Miguel Fernandez Campoy, Elroy R. Perez-Gallardo. – Badajoz // Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion = [Позитивная психология: развитие и образование] / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – P. 139-146.
Intelligence does not always mean a high draw on a test in school life of students. It is much more. Over the years, several studies have revealed the existence of several theories that comprise different definitions of intelligence among the most prominent being the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner or Emotional Intelligence. Recent studies on the human brain have shown that we have various forms of intelligence which, if stimulated by effective means, at different staghes of life, can increase our capabilities. Top and on, get this cognitive development through a playful way, much better. This leads us to raise the proposed assessment of to program for the development of multiple intelligences through different game play adapted to the classroom context. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 2) .
Общий = Детская психология
Общий = Общая психология : Психические процессы и состояния : Эмоциональные и волевые процессы : Эмоции и чувства
Общий = Социальная психология
Propuesta de evaluacion del programa de: juegos para estimular las inteligencias multiuples de celso antunes (2006) / автор Dario Salguero Garcia, Joaquin Alvarez Hernandez, Jose Manuel Aguilar Parra, Juan Miguel Fernandez Campoy, Elroy R. Perez-Gallardo. – Badajoz // Psicologia positiva: desarrollo y educacion = [Позитивная психология: развитие и образование] / ред. Florencio Vicente Castro. – Badajoz : Asociacion de Psicologia Evolutiva у Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia Mayores у Discapacidad (INFAD de Psicologia) = "International Psychological Association of Development, Lifespan and Disabi, 2013. – P. 139-146.
Intelligence does not always mean a high draw on a test in school life of students. It is much more. Over the years, several studies have revealed the existence of several theories that comprise different definitions of intelligence among the most prominent being the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner or Emotional Intelligence. Recent studies on the human brain have shown that we have various forms of intelligence which, if stimulated by effective means, at different staghes of life, can increase our capabilities. Top and on, get this cognitive development through a playful way, much better. This leads us to raise the proposed assessment of to program for the development of multiple intelligences through different game play adapted to the classroom context. – (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology = INFAD Revista de Psicologia ; ano 25, № 1-vol. 2) .
Общий = Детская психология
Общий = Общая психология : Психические процессы и состояния : Эмоциональные и волевые процессы : Эмоции и чувства
Общий = Социальная психология