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Stetsenko, Anna - The transformative mind

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Автор: Stetsenko, Anna
The transformative mind : expanding Vygotsky’s approach to development and education
Издательство: Cambridge University press, 2019 г.
ISBN 978-1-108-71270-5
Автор: Stetsenko, Anna
The transformative mind : expanding Vygotsky’s approach to development and education
Издательство: Cambridge University press, 2019 г.
ISBN 978-1-108-71270-5
88.8 S
Stetsenko, Anna.
The transformative mind : expanding Vygotsky’s approach to development and education / Anna Stetsenko. – Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2019. – 421 p. – Экземпляр № 63234 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке. – ISBN 978-1-108-71270-5.
The book suggests a transition from relational worldview premised on the sociopolitical ethos of adaptation towards transformative worldview premised on the ethos of solidarity and equality. Expansively developing Vygotsky`s revolutionary project, the transformative activist stance integrates insights from a vast array of critical and sociocultural thories and pedagogies and moves beyond their impasses to address the crisis of inequality. This captures the dynamics of social transformation and agency in moving beyond theoretical and political canons of the status quo. The focus is on the nexus of people co-creating history and society while being interactively co-created by their own transformative agency. Positing development and mind as agentive contributions to the "world-in-the-making" from an activist stance guided by a sought-after future, this approach culminates in implications for research with transformative agendas and pedagopgy of daring. Along the way, many key theories of mind, development and education are challenged and radically reworked.
ББК 88.8
Общий = Детская психология : Педагогическая психология
Библиотека Выготского = Библиотека Выготского
Коллекции = Культурно-историческая психология
88.8 S
Stetsenko, Anna.
The transformative mind : expanding Vygotsky’s approach to development and education / Anna Stetsenko. – Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2019. – 421 p. – Экземпляр № 63234 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке. – ISBN 978-1-108-71270-5.
The book suggests a transition from relational worldview premised on the sociopolitical ethos of adaptation towards transformative worldview premised on the ethos of solidarity and equality. Expansively developing Vygotsky`s revolutionary project, the transformative activist stance integrates insights from a vast array of critical and sociocultural thories and pedagogies and moves beyond their impasses to address the crisis of inequality. This captures the dynamics of social transformation and agency in moving beyond theoretical and political canons of the status quo. The focus is on the nexus of people co-creating history and society while being interactively co-created by their own transformative agency. Positing development and mind as agentive contributions to the "world-in-the-making" from an activist stance guided by a sought-after future, this approach culminates in implications for research with transformative agendas and pedagopgy of daring. Along the way, many key theories of mind, development and education are challenged and radically reworked.
ББК 88.8
Общий = Детская психология : Педагогическая психология
Библиотека Выготского = Библиотека Выготского
Коллекции = Культурно-историческая психология
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