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Электронный каталог: Октябрьский, В. М. - Ecologocal sustainability management of freight shipments by road transport
Октябрьский, В. М. - Ecologocal sustainability management of freight shipments by road transport
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Автор: Октябрьский, В. М.
Ecologocal sustainability management of freight shipments by road transport : студенческая научная работа
Управление экологической безопасностью транспортировки грузов автомобильным транспортом
Издательство: [Б. и.], 2021 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Октябрьский, В. М.
Ecologocal sustainability management of freight shipments by road transport : студенческая научная работа
Управление экологической безопасностью транспортировки грузов автомобильным транспортом
Издательство: [Б. и.], 2021 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Электронный ресурс
Октябрьский, В. М.
Ecologocal sustainability management of freight shipments by road transport = Управление экологической безопасностью транспортировки грузов автомобильным транспортом : студенческая научная работа / Тюменский индустриальный университет. – Тюмень : [Б. и.], 2021. – 125 с. : ил., табл., схем. – URL: https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=619478. – Режим доступа: электронная библиотечная система «Университетская библиотека ONLINE», требуется авторизация . – Библиогр. в кн . – На рус. яз.
The purpose of the final qualification work is to create conditions for choosing a more sustainable delivery route for companies. In analytical studies, a list of controlled parameters for assessing the environmental sustainability of the process of transporting goods by road has been determined. An algorithm for assessing the environmental sustainability of the process of cargo transportation by road has been developed. In empirical studies, an expert survey was conducted to determine the impact of the environmental responsibility of the car owner on the environmental sustainability of the process of transporting goods by road, and a mathematical model was developed that describes the environmental friendliness of the route. Analyze of the results obtained showed number of factors affecting the environmental sustainability of transportation were identified and methods of their regulation were proposed. Economic and environmental effects were calculated.
Октябрьский, В. М.
Ecologocal sustainability management of freight shipments by road transport = Управление экологической безопасностью транспортировки грузов автомобильным транспортом : студенческая научная работа / Тюменский индустриальный университет. – Тюмень : [Б. и.], 2021. – 125 с. : ил., табл., схем. – URL: https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=619478. – Режим доступа: электронная библиотечная система «Университетская библиотека ONLINE», требуется авторизация . – Библиогр. в кн . – На рус. яз.
The purpose of the final qualification work is to create conditions for choosing a more sustainable delivery route for companies. In analytical studies, a list of controlled parameters for assessing the environmental sustainability of the process of transporting goods by road has been determined. An algorithm for assessing the environmental sustainability of the process of cargo transportation by road has been developed. In empirical studies, an expert survey was conducted to determine the impact of the environmental responsibility of the car owner on the environmental sustainability of the process of transporting goods by road, and a mathematical model was developed that describes the environmental friendliness of the route. Analyze of the results obtained showed number of factors affecting the environmental sustainability of transportation were identified and methods of their regulation were proposed. Economic and environmental effects were calculated.