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Электронный каталог: Агрис, А.Р. - Нейропсихологические и нейрофизиологические исследования вариантов синдрома дефицита внимания с г...
Агрис, А.Р. - Нейропсихологические и нейрофизиологические исследования вариантов синдрома дефицита внимания с г...

Автор: Агрис, А.Р.
Современная зарубежная психология: Нейропсихологические и нейрофизиологические исследования вариантов синдрома дефицита внимания с г...
2012 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Агрис, А.Р.
Современная зарубежная психология: Нейропсихологические и нейрофизиологические исследования вариантов синдрома дефицита внимания с г...
2012 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Агрис, А.Р.
Нейропсихологические и нейрофизиологические исследования вариантов синдрома дефицита внимания с гиперактивностью ; Neuropsychological and neurophysiological approaches to study of variants of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / А.Р. Агрис, О.И. Егорова, Е.Ю. Матвеева, А.А. Романова // Современная зарубежная психология = Journal of modern foreign psychology / ред. Т.В. Ермолова. – 2012. – №1 2012. – С. 6-19. – URL: http://psychlib.ru/inc/absid.php?absid=107146.
The present review carries out analysis of empirical studies concerning neuropsychological and neurophysiological mechanisms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The current data, regarding malfunctions of brain systems at various levels of aetiopathogenesis (genetic, neurotrasmitting, functioning of separate brain structure), are discussed. The article regards the character of deficit in various components of psychic activity in people with ADHD, namely, executive functions and temporary storage (working memory), activating and neurodynamic components of activity, separate operational characteristics, and motivational impairments of patients with ADHD. The possibility of disclosing some clinical variants of the ADHD syndrome, differing in mechanisms, is also discussed in the article.
The present review carries out analysis of empirical studies concerning neuropsychological and neurophysiological mechanisms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The current data, regarding malfunctions of brain systems at various levels of aetiopathogenesis (genetic, neurotrasmitting, functioning of separate brain structure), are discussed. The article regards the character of deficit in various components of psychic activity in people with ADHD, namely, executive functions and temporary storage (working memory), activating and neurodynamic components of activity, separate operational characteristics, and motivational impairments of patients with ADHD. The possibility of disclosing some clinical variants of the ADHD syndrome, differing in mechanisms, is also discussed in the article.
ББК 88.48
Общий = Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая психология : Медицинская психология : Нейропсихология
Агрис, А.Р.
Нейропсихологические и нейрофизиологические исследования вариантов синдрома дефицита внимания с гиперактивностью ; Neuropsychological and neurophysiological approaches to study of variants of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / А.Р. Агрис, О.И. Егорова, Е.Ю. Матвеева, А.А. Романова // Современная зарубежная психология = Journal of modern foreign psychology / ред. Т.В. Ермолова. – 2012. – №1 2012. – С. 6-19. – URL: http://psychlib.ru/inc/absid.php?absid=107146.
The present review carries out analysis of empirical studies concerning neuropsychological and neurophysiological mechanisms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The current data, regarding malfunctions of brain systems at various levels of aetiopathogenesis (genetic, neurotrasmitting, functioning of separate brain structure), are discussed. The article regards the character of deficit in various components of psychic activity in people with ADHD, namely, executive functions and temporary storage (working memory), activating and neurodynamic components of activity, separate operational characteristics, and motivational impairments of patients with ADHD. The possibility of disclosing some clinical variants of the ADHD syndrome, differing in mechanisms, is also discussed in the article.
The present review carries out analysis of empirical studies concerning neuropsychological and neurophysiological mechanisms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The current data, regarding malfunctions of brain systems at various levels of aetiopathogenesis (genetic, neurotrasmitting, functioning of separate brain structure), are discussed. The article regards the character of deficit in various components of psychic activity in people with ADHD, namely, executive functions and temporary storage (working memory), activating and neurodynamic components of activity, separate operational characteristics, and motivational impairments of patients with ADHD. The possibility of disclosing some clinical variants of the ADHD syndrome, differing in mechanisms, is also discussed in the article.
ББК 88.48
Общий = Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая психология : Медицинская психология : Нейропсихология