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Электронный каталог: Piaget, Jean - The Psychology of the Child
Piaget, Jean - The Psychology of the Child
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Автор: Piaget, Jean
The Psychology of the Child
Издательство: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971 г.
ISBN 0 7100 6751 8
Автор: Piaget, Jean
The Psychology of the Child
Издательство: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971 г.
ISBN 0 7100 6751 8
88.8 P
Piaget, Jean.
The Psychology of the Child / Jean Piaget, Barbel Inhelder. – London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971. – 173 p. – Экземпляр № 62562 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке. – ISBN 0 7100 6751 8.
Jean Piaget is widely recognized as the outstanding child psychologist in the world today. In this volume Professor Piaget, together with Barbel Inhelder, who has worked with him for many years, offers a definitive presentation of the developmental psychology he has elaborated over the last forty years. The book provides profound and authoritative synthesis of Piaget`s child psychology, and traces the stages of cognitive development over the entire period of childhood, from infancy to adolescence. It is bothe an excellent summary for the professional psychologist and the best of all introduction to Piaget for the student. The author write: "In this volume we have tried to present, as briefly and as clearly as possible, a synthesis or summing up, of our work in child psychology. A book such as this seemed to us particularly desirable since our published studies have been spread out over a number of volumes, some of them quite lengthy and some of them fairly difficult to read. This little book, of course, is not ment to be a substitute for reading the other volumes. But it represents, we believe, a useful introduction to the questions we have studied and will enable the reader to gain an adequate understanding of what we have learned in our investigations."
ББК 88.8
Общий = Детская психология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
88.8 P
Piaget, Jean.
The Psychology of the Child / Jean Piaget, Barbel Inhelder. – London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971. – 173 p. – Экземпляр № 62562 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке. – ISBN 0 7100 6751 8.
Jean Piaget is widely recognized as the outstanding child psychologist in the world today. In this volume Professor Piaget, together with Barbel Inhelder, who has worked with him for many years, offers a definitive presentation of the developmental psychology he has elaborated over the last forty years. The book provides profound and authoritative synthesis of Piaget`s child psychology, and traces the stages of cognitive development over the entire period of childhood, from infancy to adolescence. It is bothe an excellent summary for the professional psychologist and the best of all introduction to Piaget for the student. The author write: "In this volume we have tried to present, as briefly and as clearly as possible, a synthesis or summing up, of our work in child psychology. A book such as this seemed to us particularly desirable since our published studies have been spread out over a number of volumes, some of them quite lengthy and some of them fairly difficult to read. This little book, of course, is not ment to be a substitute for reading the other volumes. But it represents, we believe, a useful introduction to the questions we have studied and will enable the reader to gain an adequate understanding of what we have learned in our investigations."
ББК 88.8
Общий = Детская психология
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
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