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Электронный каталог: Piaget, Jean - Experiments in Contradiction
Piaget, Jean - Experiments in Contradiction
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Автор: Piaget, Jean
Experiments in Contradiction
Издательство: The University of Chicago Press, 1980 г.
ISBN 0-226-66779-0
Автор: Piaget, Jean
Experiments in Contradiction
Издательство: The University of Chicago Press, 1980 г.
ISBN 0-226-66779-0
88.3 P
Piaget, Jean.
Experiments in Contradiction / Jean Piaget. – Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1980. – 310 p. – Экземпляр № 62547 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке. – ISBN 0-226-66779-0.
Originally published as "Recherches sur la contradiction" in 1974, this study reports the original, experimental work of Piaget and his collaborators on the relations between contradiction and disequilibriums of action and thought. Part 1 consists of an analysis of disequilibriums or "contradictions" deriving from false identities, incomplete compensations, or incorrectly regulated inferences in two categories, the logico-mathematical domain and the physical domain. These analyses show that such disequilibrium always result from insufficient compensation between affirmations and negations. Part 2 solves the problems of why the initial disequilibriums and failures in compensation occur. The authors conclude that if a lack of compensation exists between affirmation and negation at elementary levels, thyat is not by virtue of some kind of primitive state of disorder or chaos. Rather, the spontaneous tendency of every action, perception, or cognition in general is to direct itself toward affirmation and the positive characteristics of reality, while negation,in its necessary forms, is the product of secondary developments only, and, in its contingent forms, of perturbation. Action consists of modifying reality, and thus tends toward a positive goal, Whereas it requires an additional effort of retroactive reflection to perceive that any approach to that goal implies a moving away from one`s starting point and a negation of the initial state.
ББК 88.3
Общий = Общая психология
Общий = Философия
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
88.3 P
Piaget, Jean.
Experiments in Contradiction / Jean Piaget. – Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1980. – 310 p. – Экземпляр № 62547 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке. – ISBN 0-226-66779-0.
Originally published as "Recherches sur la contradiction" in 1974, this study reports the original, experimental work of Piaget and his collaborators on the relations between contradiction and disequilibriums of action and thought. Part 1 consists of an analysis of disequilibriums or "contradictions" deriving from false identities, incomplete compensations, or incorrectly regulated inferences in two categories, the logico-mathematical domain and the physical domain. These analyses show that such disequilibrium always result from insufficient compensation between affirmations and negations. Part 2 solves the problems of why the initial disequilibriums and failures in compensation occur. The authors conclude that if a lack of compensation exists between affirmation and negation at elementary levels, thyat is not by virtue of some kind of primitive state of disorder or chaos. Rather, the spontaneous tendency of every action, perception, or cognition in general is to direct itself toward affirmation and the positive characteristics of reality, while negation,in its necessary forms, is the product of secondary developments only, and, in its contingent forms, of perturbation. Action consists of modifying reality, and thus tends toward a positive goal, Whereas it requires an additional effort of retroactive reflection to perceive that any approach to that goal implies a moving away from one`s starting point and a negation of the initial state.
ББК 88.3
Общий = Общая психология
Общий = Философия
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
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