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Электронный каталог: The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky
The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky
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The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky
Издательство: Cambridge University press, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-0-521-83104-8, 978-0-521-53787-2
The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky
Издательство: Cambridge University press, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-0-521-83104-8, 978-0-521-53787-2
88.1 C
The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky / Ред. Harry Daniels, Michael Cole, James V. Wertsch. – Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2007. – 462 p. – Экземпляр № 32053 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке . – ISBN 978-0-521-83104-8 . – ISBN 978-0-521-53787-2.
L.S. Vygotsky was an early twenyieth-century Russian psychologist whose writing exerts a significant influence on the development of social theory in the early twenty-first century. His nondeterministic, nonreductionist account of the formation of mind provides current theoretical developments with a broadly drawn, yet very powerful sketch of the ways in which humans shape and are shaped by social, cultural, and historical conditions. This dialectical conception of development insists on the importance of genetic or developmental analysis at several levels. "The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky" is a comprehensive text that provides students, academics, and practitioners with a critical perspective on Vygotsky and his work.
ББК 88.1
Общий = История психологии
Библиотека Выготского = Библиотека Выготского
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
88.1 C
The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky / Ред. Harry Daniels, Michael Cole, James V. Wertsch. – Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2007. – 462 p. – Экземпляр № 32053 находится в Открытом доступе на Сретенке . – ISBN 978-0-521-83104-8 . – ISBN 978-0-521-53787-2.
L.S. Vygotsky was an early twenyieth-century Russian psychologist whose writing exerts a significant influence on the development of social theory in the early twenty-first century. His nondeterministic, nonreductionist account of the formation of mind provides current theoretical developments with a broadly drawn, yet very powerful sketch of the ways in which humans shape and are shaped by social, cultural, and historical conditions. This dialectical conception of development insists on the importance of genetic or developmental analysis at several levels. "The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky" is a comprehensive text that provides students, academics, and practitioners with a critical perspective on Vygotsky and his work.
ББК 88.1
Общий = История психологии
Библиотека Выготского = Библиотека Выготского
Из личных библиотек = Из библиотеки Обуховой Людмилы Филипповны
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