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Связанные описания:
Bittner, J.V.
Implicit processing goals combine with explicit goal standards to motivate performance through un...
2011 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Bittner, J.V.
Implicit processing goals combine with explicit goal standards to motivate performance through un...
2011 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Масленникова, Е.М.
Individuality vs individualism в английской лингвокультуре
2012 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Масленникова, Е.М.
Individuality vs individualism в английской лингвокультуре
2012 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Intelligenza emotiva e autoefficacia in un gruppo di insegnanti
[Эмоциональный интеллект и самоэффективность в группе учителей]
2013 г.
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Intelligenza emotiva e autoefficacia in un gruppo di insegnanti
[Эмоциональный интеллект и самоэффективность в группе учителей]
2013 г.
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Greve, W.
International Self-Development - Genetically Framed: Reconciliation of Evolutionary and Action-Th...
2007 г.
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Greve, W.
International Self-Development - Genetically Framed: Reconciliation of Evolutionary and Action-Th...
2007 г.
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Malloy, T.E.
Interpersonal attraction in dyads and groups: Effects of the hearts of the beholder and the beheld
2018 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Malloy, T.E.
Interpersonal attraction in dyads and groups: Effects of the hearts of the beholder and the beheld
2018 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Canevello, A.
Interpersonal goals, others' regard for the self, and self-esteem: The paradoxical consequences o...
2011 г.
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Canevello, A.
Interpersonal goals, others' regard for the self, and self-esteem: The paradoxical consequences o...
2011 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Tuk, M.A.
Interpersonal relationships moderate the effect of faces on person judgments
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Tuk, M.A.
Interpersonal relationships moderate the effect of faces on person judgments
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Smith, L.G.E.
Intra-group interaction and the development of norms which promote inter-group hostility
2009 г.
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Smith, L.G.E.
Intra-group interaction and the development of norms which promote inter-group hostility
2009 г.
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1 из 1
Картер, Филип
IQ и личностные тесты
IQ and personality tests
АСТ, Астрель, Полиграфиздат, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-5-17-066626-3, 978-5-271-27630-9, 978-5-4215-0840-3
Картер, Филип
IQ и личностные тесты
IQ and personality tests
АСТ, Астрель, Полиграфиздат, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-5-17-066626-3, 978-5-271-27630-9, 978-5-4215-0840-3
Lammers, J.
Iron ladies, men of steel: The effects of gender stereotyping on the perception of male and femal...
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Lammers, J.
Iron ladies, men of steel: The effects of gender stereotyping on the perception of male and femal...
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Ростовцева, В.В.
Leaders-cheaters in male group cooperation: differences in nonverbal communication and genetic fa...
Лидеры-обманщики в контексте кооперации в мужских коллективах: особенности невербальной коммуникации и генетические факторы
2022 г.
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Ростовцева, В.В.
Leaders-cheaters in male group cooperation: differences in nonverbal communication and genetic fa...
Лидеры-обманщики в контексте кооперации в мужских коллективах: особенности невербальной коммуникации и генетические факторы
2022 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Карпова, Л.И.
LEGO-конструирование в дошкольной образовательной организации города как условие всестороннего ра...
2015 г.
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Карпова, Л.И.
LEGO-конструирование в дошкольной образовательной организации города как условие всестороннего ра...
2015 г.
ISBN отсутствует
1 из 1
Life-Span Developmental Psychology: Normative Life Crises
Academic press, 1975 г.
ISBN 0-12-203550-X
Life-Span Developmental Psychology: Normative Life Crises
Academic press, 1975 г.
ISBN 0-12-203550-X
Sassenberg, Kai
Linking regulatory focus and threat–challenge: transitions between and outcomes of four motivatio...
2019 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Sassenberg, Kai
Linking regulatory focus and threat–challenge: transitions between and outcomes of four motivatio...
2019 г.
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Zhang, Y.
Loss context enhances preferences for generosity but reduces preferences for honesty: Evidence fr...
2023 г.
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Zhang, Y.
Loss context enhances preferences for generosity but reduces preferences for honesty: Evidence fr...
2023 г.
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1 из 1
De Ridder, D.
Making plans for healthy diet: The role of motivation and action orientation
2009 г.
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De Ridder, D.
Making plans for healthy diet: The role of motivation and action orientation
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Zhang, R.
Making sense of positive self-evaluations in China: The role of sociocultural change
2017 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Zhang, R.
Making sense of positive self-evaluations in China: The role of sociocultural change
2017 г.
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Wolf, Lukas J.
Measured and manipulated effects of value similarity on prejudice and well-being
2021 г.
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Wolf, Lukas J.
Measured and manipulated effects of value similarity on prejudice and well-being
2021 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Afrange, E.
Mental Health: from Singular to Community, Transiting between Subjective Realities and the True R...
Психическое здоровье: от обособленности к общности, переходя от субъективной у истинной реальности
2018 г.
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Afrange, E.
Mental Health: from Singular to Community, Transiting between Subjective Realities and the True R...
Психическое здоровье: от обособленности к общности, переходя от субъективной у истинной реальности
2018 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Fritsche, I.
Minimal and maximal goal orientation and reactions to norm violations
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Fritsche, I.
Minimal and maximal goal orientation and reactions to norm violations
2009 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Sedikides, Constantine
Mnemic neglect: Selective amnesia of one’s faults
2016 г.
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Sedikides, Constantine
Mnemic neglect: Selective amnesia of one’s faults
2016 г.
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Osswald, S.
Moral prototypes and moral behavior: Specific effects on emotional precursors of moral behavior a...
2010 г.
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Osswald, S.
Moral prototypes and moral behavior: Specific effects on emotional precursors of moral behavior a...
2010 г.
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Norenzayan, A.
Mortality salience and religion: divergent effects on the defense of cultural worldviews for the ...
2009 г.
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Norenzayan, A.
Mortality salience and religion: divergent effects on the defense of cultural worldviews for the ...
2009 г.
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Echebarria-Echabe, A.
Mortality salience and uncertainty: Similar effects but different processes?
2013 г.
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Echebarria-Echabe, A.
Mortality salience and uncertainty: Similar effects but different processes?
2013 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Malihialzackerini, S.
Neuropsychological process in personality (a comparative evolutionary approach)
2012 г.
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Malihialzackerini, S.
Neuropsychological process in personality (a comparative evolutionary approach)
2012 г.
ISBN отсутствует
1 из 1
Huskinson, Lucy
Nietzsche and Jung: the whole self in the union of opposites
Brunner-Routledge, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-58391-833-7
Huskinson, Lucy
Nietzsche and Jung: the whole self in the union of opposites
Brunner-Routledge, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-58391-833-7
Wenzel, M.
No genuine self-forgiveness without accepting responsibility: Value reaffirmation as a key to mai...
2012 г.
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Wenzel, M.
No genuine self-forgiveness without accepting responsibility: Value reaffirmation as a key to mai...
2012 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Solis, Jocelyn
No Human Being Is Illegal: Counteridentities in a Community of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants and Children
2008 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Solis, Jocelyn
No Human Being Is Illegal: Counteridentities in a Community of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants and Children
2008 г.
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